

I love this image.  Maybe it’s supposed to be funny, a depiction of a switch: I am Buddha with upraised mudra hand to spank–I am the naked lady on his lap, ass already pink from impact, ready to receive the next blow.  BDSM as religion.  Valid! But something more, with the sacred Buddha.  The image

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smut theory


We did the breast worshiping ritual.  Wow, I was right–it was messy.  It was also amazing, and didn’t go quite as planned. The biggest surprise is how horny we got.  Something about having the objects there, reading the words at the beginning, the depth of it.  The safety of the container?  My spouse was 100%

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ritual smut

worship of the breasts

I would like to invite my spouse to participate in this ritual worship of the breasts.  Ok, it might get messy.  Please have a soft napkin or tissues handy. My vision for this ritual is we get into a frame of mind where my breasts are simultaneously my breasts and some kind of cosmic Great

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worship of the hands

Thank you for your willingness to participate in worship of the hands.  Do you need a drink of water, a relaxing substance, or any words to help you feel good to do this ritual? –I have what I need.  Thank you. Great.  The plan I have in mind is…  We both wash our hands at

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smut theory

disabled sex

“Is that why you came back?  For more of that?” I asked, thinking about disabled sex. He’d stopped home between two volunteer jobs and didn’t have long. “Later,” he said. this morning His balls seemed extra big and lovely, this morning.  So loose.  The soft folds of skin where the sweet balls move freely, plump. 

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smut theory

ten favorite things about sex

Sex can help in so may ways.  Here are my ten favorite things about sex. worship I have a thing for the sacred–I can’t escape need for connection, communion, bodily holiness, contact with what I would call Mother God or the universe’s love.  The deep pleasure of knowing and being known in sexual pleasure–thrumming with

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