
letting go ritual

I was in love with my Friend, but we are not well-suited to one another for partnership.  We have a huge age difference; that’s partly why.  They are in a different developmental stage from me, as a young adult, while I am middle aged.  So I’m planning a letting go ritual. Not to break up,

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theory unsent letter

spiritual experience

Sex is a transformative wildness.  I love that.  It’s the spiritual experience I need the most. Sex is a common extreme state.  Many people visit regularly, to do special work that requires the body. I love flooding myself with pleasure.  I love sex for all these aspects. practice consent while letting go connect playfully with

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I love this image.  Maybe it’s supposed to be funny, a depiction of a switch: I am Buddha with upraised mudra hand to spank–I am the naked lady on his lap, ass already pink from impact, ready to receive the next blow.  BDSM as religion.  Valid! But something more, with the sacred Buddha.  The image

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smut theory


We did the breast worshiping ritual.  Wow, I was right–it was messy.  It was also amazing, and didn’t go quite as planned. The biggest surprise is how horny we got.  Something about having the objects there, reading the words at the beginning, the depth of it.  The safety of the container?  My spouse was 100%

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worship of the hands

Thank you for your willingness to participate in worship of the hands.  Do you need a drink of water, a relaxing substance, or any words to help you feel good to do this ritual? –I have what I need.  Thank you. Great.  The plan I have in mind is…  We both wash our hands at

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ritual theory

my dad

I wanted to have a ritual to talk to my dad, who died almost five years ago, of an overdose.  He was a white guy, and at least some of my problems with white guys come from abuse from him.  White guys I love have way too much power over me, especially when I want

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unsent letter


Sex is a vulnerable ritual that creates veil-rending pleasure.  I see God, in the transcendent union.  The glitter of God shines for me, intoxicating me, while I’m being penetrated by someone, coming for someone, envaginating someone, making them come, giving myself completely. Sex is about ecstatic intimacy for me, but most people don’t see it

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ritual theory

long distance

I believe in other worlds.  When I write, where do the words come from?  They arrive from a long distance.  They feel like spirit, to me.  Love feels like spirit. Sex is possible with our bodies, but also our minds, at the same time.  Or just our minds, in the case of sex long distance. 

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sex toys

Sex toys are not sex.  They’re physical objects that can facilitate sexual experiences, please, stimulate, stoke the imagination.  They can also harm.  Often they’re purchased, but I made a dildo out of wood, which is cool. vibrators Those big Magic Wand ones you plug into the wall–I had one long ago, used it only once. 

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smut theory

sex with the enthroned comfort goddess

Hopefully you have sex with a goddess all the time. goddess comfort There’s this goddess I visit in my mind.  She’s like me but giant, stronger, more stable, older.  She’s very trustworthy.  When I feel sad or scared, I go to her–she holds me. She’s a Mother Goddess.  She sits on a colorful throne–the main

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