smut theory

what’s this?

“What’s this?” I asked my spouse.  He was hugging me, and his semi-hard dick was pushing on me, through his pants. “What’s this?” he asked me, gently grabbing my right breast. I giggled.  I touched his dick, and it poked out more. “It’s a boner,” my spouse said.  “It’s because I love you.  I’ve had

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wake up

“I need to wake up,” my spouse said to me.  It was morning, and he was having a slow start. “Do you know anything in particular that might help you wake up?” I asked.  I was still in bed, writing.  “Like what if you could try yodeling.  Or you could masturbate.  Or you could plunge

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in between places

In between places are where I like to dwell.  It’s true–some people take advantage of undefined.  But I’m comfortable with the liminal.  I’m happy to do something that English language doesn’t have words for. A friend who I’m doing something liminal with said that she and I are platonic lovers.  I don’t think Plato has

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