
what a sex party is for

I was thinking about what a sex party is for.  Have you attended them?  What did you like and dislike? I’ve only been to one, and I’m still feeling out how I feel about it, a month later.  At the party I realized that a sex party can meet vastly different needs for different people.

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review theory

queerness at the sex party

There’s so much I learned at the sex party.  I wrote that long post about it, but I left a lot out.  I want to write about queerness at the sex party because that’s one of the things that I was paying attention to and that matters the most. age I have a cliche that

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In which I realize my body is loyal, and I thank my body. I was crying with thwarted desire for a person who does not love me.  Which crying time am I talking about?  The night before they left town?  A random morning when I felt lonely?  The afternoon we had that positive interaction? positive

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“I wanted to take care of some things, so I could then socialize with my clothes off,” my spouse said. “Wow, sounds fun,” I told my spouse.  “I want to socialize with my clothes off too!” We laughed.  Later he did take his clothes off.  I did too, and we socialized very sweetly. cuddle I

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how does your dick feel

“How does your dick feel today?” I asked my spouse.  We were in bed.  I was checking in with him about pain level and feeling state, at the beginning part of sex.  I had already asked about his head, feet, butt, tummy, and legs. “It wants you,” he said. “Wow!  Great!’ I said.  “How fortunate

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I need aftercare

I need aftercare.  Lately I’ve been hurting about how different I feel, and alone in my difference.  When something big happens, I have a huge reaction.  So I need some contact and reassurance later and the next day.  My needs are reasonable. What do you think love is?  Abandoning someone you were just tender with

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smut theory

what do you want

“What do you want?” I asked my spouse, a common post-lunch bed question. “I wanna stick my dick between your tits,” he said. “Oh, ok,” I said. usual answers It was a different answer than usual.  Often he says, “I wanna put my dick inside you,” and I ask where.  Then I give him options,

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respect of sexual needs

My spouse and I went away on a trip.  When we came home, I realized that the power dynamic here is so messed up, in a way I had never articulated to myself.  It has to do with respect of sexual needs. It hurts the men who live here, when I wear tank tops.  Hurts

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read to me

“Do you know the one thing I would change about you, if I could?” I asked. what I would change I was in bed, naked, and he was standing by the bed.  I was touching his tummy and chest–we smiled at each other.  “Uh, oh!  Get ready to be hurt!” I said. We laughed.  “Are

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