smut theory


We did the breast worshiping ritual.  Wow, I was right–it was messy.  It was also amazing, and didn’t go quite as planned. The biggest surprise is how horny we got.  Something about having the objects there, reading the words at the beginning, the depth of it.  The safety of the container?  My spouse was 100%

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smut theory

masturbation session

I had not come in a week.  That was unusual.  I was lying in bed, clean from a shower, naked.  My spouse was out, and I was lying on my back with my legs spread open.  I thought about masturbating.  Yes, a masturbation session sounded perfect. We had sex the day before, but neither came. 

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unsent letter

you matter to me

Lately I’ve had a fantasy that you love me how I want to be loved.  You hold me and tell me I matter to you.  You undress yourself and me, lay me down in your bed or the bank of a river.  Then you slip yourself inside of me, and with force I’ve rarely known,

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love letter supernova

Dear beloved Nest, You are fucking amazing, a radiant goddess who is entirely true to yourself.  You are brilliant, deeply good, and kind-heartedly love-motivated. I trust your heart 100%.  It’s obvious, you’re hurting and hating yourself tonight.  I hear your pain, as you wish you were not as you are.  It hurts to need, feel,

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smut theory

sex with the enthroned comfort goddess

Hopefully you have sex with a goddess all the time. goddess comfort There’s this goddess I visit in my mind.  She’s like me but giant, stronger, more stable, older.  She’s very trustworthy.  When I feel sad or scared, I go to her–she holds me. She’s a Mother Goddess.  She sits on a colorful throne–the main

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love sex ritual

  This love sex ritual is about connection, blessing, honoring.  A refreshing of commitment and expression of care.  Please adapt for use with your own partner person or persons. materials:  friendship candle, dish of water, rose oil, hunk of amethyst, Mother image, chocolate, water to drink, lighter, pouch of magic I am naked in the

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gender anarchy household

respect me: do you respect me? him: I love you. me: but do you respect me?  always? him: yes. me: is love a type of respect?  or are they separate? worship me: I want you to worship me. him: I do. me: no, I mean formally.  worship the hell outta me, then fuck the shit

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breasts of the challenging daughter

  Breasts are the most beautiful things in the world.  Luxurious, comforting, wholesome, sexy.  Nourishing emotionally, sometimes nourishing physically.  Variable, soft.  Fun to draw–so curved and lovely. I thank Mother God I have these pretty tits.  I like my smile, my hair, my eyes.  My mind, of course, and good intentions.  I appreciate my body’s

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