
things to do at a sex club

There are so many things to do at a sex club.  My spouse and I were out of town, visiting the city, eating Thai food for lunch with an old friend.  I mentioned that night we might go to a sex club we’d never been to before.  Actually I mentioned it by name–my friend seemed

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theory unsent letter


Dear housemate, I was surprised and thrown off balance when you told me at dinner, announced in front of everyone, that the weird thing about me is how I don’t recognize how powerful I am.  Wow.  It was a vulnerable, extra-honest thing to say. Not that you were wrong.  But I’m trying to figure out

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how you like your dick sucked

“Is that how you like your dick sucked?” I asked my spouse. “Yes,” he said. He was naked, lying on the bed on his back, resting.  I had my hands on his bare thighs.  I was standing there in my underwear. My large breasts were prominent and ample in the room.  I’d just sucked his

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smut theory

what’s this?

“What’s this?” I asked my spouse.  He was hugging me, and his semi-hard dick was pushing on me, through his pants. “What’s this?” he asked me, gently grabbing my right breast. I giggled.  I touched his dick, and it poked out more. “It’s a boner,” my spouse said.  “It’s because I love you.  I’ve had

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getting pregnant should not be a crime

I love the ideas and aesthetic of this instagram post by @holistic.abortions.  Getting pregnant should not be a crime.  Bodies get pregnant. The colors are so pretty, and the vibrant stripe on the side.  The line drawing of the sitting person.  The flower and the spatteriness. Yes, it reminds me of something John Dobson

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The right to safe, legal abortion is a relief.  Sure, I could try to diy it, get a medical abortion illegally, or carry to term an unwanted pregnancy, if I had to.  But all that is like adding insult to injury.  Healthcare is too difficult already.  Let alone making a stressful part illegal. I need

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to tell

“Is there anything you want me to tell you?” I asked my spouse.  We were in bed naked, having sex, at the beginning part. “Is there anything you want me to tell You?” he asked, dodging the question. I smiled.  “Tell me I matter to you,” I said. “You matter to me,” he said. “Tell

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theory unsent letter

difficult things

How many difficult things can you do in a day?  I like to do only one per day.  Then I can think about it, learn my lessons, roll it over in my mind, tell friends what I did and get their support and feedback.  Possibly recover so I can do more difficult things, other days.

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what family is

I was thinking about what family is, lying in bed crying, half asleep.  If I’d sucked the dick of my friend, would I have mattered to him then?  If he came down my throat, would he have loved me then? No, of course not.  But my half-asleep mind was trying to make it work.  Like

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Making my own path is necessary because there’s no path for the freedom I need.  I find myself in many situations there’s no Hallmark card for. The other day my good friend asked me, “What do you say to a friend, when her rapist dies?”  There is no greeting card for that one.  But many

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