
what covid does to love

Sex is good for me, so good, to move toward pleasure and connection.  It’s healed me, taught me about trust, given me reasons to live.  Thank you to my sweet spouse for giving me so much sexual joy, these past many years.  Covid is a stressor, and I’m learning about covid love. steam valves Is

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my porn journey

From believing porn was bad, to considering making porn for money, my first encounters with porn, and what I think of it now–I’ve been on a journey that has taken me to some strange places.  Actual experiences, dreams, and fantasies have fueled my sexual imagination, but porn has too. early I hadn’t made up my

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smut theory

mammal love

Sex is sometimes like another world to enter, and a door I often enter through is mammal love, a certain memory… actual memory I was with my spouse, at the beginning of our relationship.  We went to visit one of my best friends and her two kids, in a nearby town.  I wanted everyone to

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my first orgasm

In this post, I talk about my first orgasm.  It’s vulnerable and tender to reveal. What if you get aroused, reading it?  That’s ok.  I’m allowed to talk about my own past, and you’re allowed to have a reaction. If you beat off, imagining me having my first orgasm, good for you.  I might beat

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smut theory

ten favorite things about sex

Sex can help in so may ways.  Here are my ten favorite things about sex. worship I have a thing for the sacred–I can’t escape need for connection, communion, bodily holiness, contact with what I would call Mother God or the universe’s love.  The deep pleasure of knowing and being known in sexual pleasure–thrumming with

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sex dreams

I’ll be watching a movie on a screen somewhere–in a spaceship? in an underground place?–and the movie gets really sexy!  I’ll be like, oh, I didn’t know this was a porn movie.  I’ll see some surprising breasts, exposed, so gorgeous, and feel super-glad. My cunt will ache with arousal, and I’ll feel more involved in

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sense-making It makes sense I need a sex blog–just somewhere to put writing that’s more private.  There’s me in the day, and me at night. Even if I didn’t have sexual trauma, sex is just weird!  Sex is like a trauma unto itself!  An orgasm is totally overwhelming!  I would have stuff to work out,

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top ten places I’ve had sex

I decided to make a list of top ten places I’ve had sex, for the fun of it.  Besides beds, bathrooms, hotel rooms, and vehicles, these are the more memorable ones. costume room of a large auditorium I “lost my virginity” during a performance of Arsenic and Old Lace, honestly.  My boyfriend and I were

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seeing you better with my eyes closed

We were in bed and had sex. I usually have my eyes closed.  This is about seeing him during sex. what sex is Well, sex is when I suck his dick, when he’s caring for my nipples with touch, when we cuddle in a sexy way, when I gently bite his hands, when we say

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smut theory

sex with the enthroned comfort goddess

Hopefully you have sex with a goddess all the time. goddess comfort There’s this goddess I visit in my mind.  She’s like me but giant, stronger, more stable, older.  She’s very trustworthy.  When I feel sad or scared, I go to her–she holds me. She’s a Mother Goddess.  She sits on a colorful throne–the main

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