review theory

what I learned from having my own dick

Recently I purchased a strap, which was a big deal emotionally.  I had wanted one for 20+ years.  Also, it was an expensive purchase.  I’m sorry it costs hundreds of dollars to affirm gender.  When I tried out the strap, my mind was blown.  This post is what I learned from having my own dick.

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review theory

how it feels to cum on a vibrator

Lately I use a vibrator to masturbate, and that can get me off.  It’s better than nothing!  But I don’t like how it feels to cum on a vibrator, compared to other orgasm methods.  Cumming on a vibrator is the lowest quality orgasm I’ve experienced. why Vibrators are overstimulating.  There is no subtlety.  The sensation

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review theory

vegan cum

“Why don’t you get a vegan cock and balls, and I’ll eat the vegan cum?” I asked. My spouse was craving baked goods, so I suggested a local donut chain that used to have a cream filled donut called cock and balls.  It was funny and daring. But we live here now; I hadn’t been

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I got a new vibrator and wanted to show you.  It cost a hundred dollars at the local sex toy shop.  That was a usual price there. My old vibrator was too small.  I like its cuteness and dark blueness. The way it has two separate vibrating sides is cool. But my body needs a

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review theory

queerness at the sex party

There’s so much I learned at the sex party.  I wrote that long post about it, but I left a lot out.  I want to write about queerness at the sex party because that’s one of the things that I was paying attention to and that matters the most. age I have a cliche that

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review theory

sex party

I went to my first bdsm sex party.  I went there to learn, and I did learn–more than I expected, about myself and others.  While I was there and for a day or so afterward, I felt very positive about the experience.  I was elated.  As the days pass, I feel less positive and less

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review theory

sex toy

“Hey, look at this. It’s a sex toy made for disabled people,” I told my spouse. He seemed interested and looked at my screen as we hugged.  Long ago he worked as a personal care attendant.  He’s disabled–I’m disabled.  His ex is disabled, and lots of our friends, in various ways. The sex toy is

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art review theory

sex graffiti

I was taking a morning walk with my spouse and saw some sex graffiti.  I felt excited because I love street art, and it’s somewhat lacking in our neighborhood. This art seemed childish.  I laughed and showed my spouse.  “Look at the scissor dick,” I said. If you’re not sure that’s a dick, there’s a

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review theory


A friend I’d been in love with for more than a year came to visit.  Communication is not a strength of his.  So I wasn’t sure what he was coming for. He’d just broken up with his abusive partner, more definitively this time, and it was a good chance for him to travel.  But why

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review theory

good girl

A sex blogger instagram acquaintance of mine has a new book coming out, 101 Kinky Things Even You Can Do.  Here is a link to find it. This instagram pic made me smile and think.  Cute good girl tattoos, and cool placement!  And the underwear with donuts–how appealing.  And the beautiful ass, and luscious

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