

Lately I crave impact.  My feelings get stuck in my body.  When my spouse hits me, the feelings shake loose and get back in motion, where they belong.

Does it work this way for other people?  How do you unstick your feelings?  My body needs what it needs.  I don’t make up the rules.

impact play

Impact play is a term to describe it.  “I like him to hurt me,” sounds dramatic.  “Please hit me,” could be an embarrassing request.

I could phrase it more amusingly, like, “I enjoy being spanked.”  Someone doesn’t know if I mean a quick pat on the ass, or impact more substantial.  Of course there’s a range.

“Hit me back into my body,” is a nice request.  Yes, bdsm is better than a weighted blanket.  Better than dance, drugs, stimming–even better than potatoes.


We were away on a trip, at a rental where I felt ok making more noise than at home.  I asked my spouse to hit me.  I asked him to hit me on my ass as I bent over the bed, starting light and increasing the impact.

He did as requested.  His hand got sore for sure.  I would ask for it harder, and I would emote when he hit me in the ways I like the most.  I got squirmy and moaning often.

My favorite was when he hit me toward the middle, near my cunt.  The vibrations were good–I liked the aroused feeling reverberating throughout my body, with deep trust.


I had some black parachute cord, to make a collar for myself.  My spouse is brilliant and made a flogger tool out of the parachute cord I had left over.  Wow, it works great.  He smacks my ass, and I’m grateful.

Being hit is a break from regular reality.  Nothing else is so effective at getting me into my body and paying attention.

My spouse was hitting me at home, and I wondered if the sound of the impact was loud enough to be heard in other rooms.  I don’t want to bother anyone we live with.  But impact feels healing, and I want it.

By Nest

Curious, disabled Earth Goddess, telling the truth.

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