

When you have a crush on someone, what makes the spark?  Where does the crush come from? There’s chemistry–it’s not just liking someone.  Friendship is everywhere, but a crush is different.  There’s a mysterious combination of factors.  I get excited, then hormones take over.  My body trusts another person, whether it’s actually safe to trust

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what do you see

“What do you see?” I asked my spouse. We were both nakedly post-sex cuddling, and I’d asked my spouse to hold my legs up.  I have decades of problems with my lymph, so sometimes I ask the lymph to drain back toward my center where it can be processed and moved out. My spouse was

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smut theory


“Can I top you?” I asked my spouse.  We were naked in bed, talking and making out.  It was a beautiful spring afternoon. Yes, I’m switchy in theory.  But this was a direct ask from a strong feeling.  I don’t remember ever asking him that exact question. “Sure,” he said. power I felt an animal

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being nice

“I like being nice to you, because then you keep wanting to have sex with me,” I said to my spouse, smiling. We were lying in bed mostly naked, sweetly cuddling at the end of the day.  “And you’re always being nice to me, maybe because you like to have sex with me,” I added.

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my dad’s suicide

My dad’s suicide has been fucking me in the head lately.  I’ve been thinking about death way too much.  His death–my eventual death.  My mom’s death.  My spouse’s eventual death.  I’m terrified. It makes me panic in the night, which interferes with my sleep, so then I panic more.  I hate all that. grief spiral

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