I grew these tits, without my permission really. These days, I welcome them. I like touching them, and they comfort me as well as my spouse. When I hug a friend, maybe they comfort my friend also.
My tits are warm, pretty, somewhat symmetrical, large, round, droopy, sensitive, and fine by me. Two burdens I bear with a good attitude and often enjoy.
It wasn’t always that way. Nasty men have leered at me, over the course of my life, since I was eight years old. But less these days, since my hair begins to gray and I carry myself with medium-bold unconditional self-love.
Cis-het dudes can go fuck themselves at this point. Unless they’ve dedicated their life to justice by stopping other cis-het dudes from violence. They are part of the problem by enjoying the culture that exists to prop them up at everyone else’s expense. Hmm. Tell us how you really feel, Nest.
love to the trans
I’m privileged that all the body parts that grow on me are ok with me.
Love to my trans kin who grew tits without their permission also and need them and / or other body parts yeeted. I’m sorry for the hard work and heartache, in so many ways.
I wish the world would support you unconditionally. Family members, strangers, healthcare systems, workplaces, insurance companies. The criminal injustice system, government record keepers, the DMV. Friends, lovers, housemates, neighbors.
People who are willfully ignorant–people who are stuck in their own little bubble. People who should know better, and people who are afraid of themselves. Fear spreads around in places it doesn’t need to be.
I’m working on a more functional world. It takes a while. I’m sorry the religious people especially don’t know how to love. They are horrible at even the most basic respect.
We can do better. I’m going to love–no one can stop me.