

I have always liked spooning.  It’s a great form of cuddle, especially naked for lots of skin-skin contact and bonding hormones.  Feels like love.  After sex, it’s the best.  With my spouse, spooning is a favorite activity. This pic is my spouse behind me, holding onto my left breast, and my hand is on top

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fiction smut

witch fantasy

Last time I had sex with my spouse, a group sex witch fantasy spun out of my head, without my wishing it to.  Pretty amazing and appropriate for Halloween.  Tis the season. witch fantasy You know how stories don’t always start at the beginning.  This witch fantasy starts with my spouse tied onto a huge

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I learned a new word: Agrexophilia.  It means getting off on other people knowing your sexual activities.  I came upon this word while reading a list of kinks.  I’d never heard it before. The definition I read mentioned agrexophilia examples of bragging about conquests, playing a homemade sex video online, and having sex in public places. 

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chastity belt

I was thinking about a friend I had long ago for a short time who wanted me to hold a key to his chastity belt.  He was into these devices–the kind he had was plastic–that encase a dick, and are locked with a key. Why have I never talked about this chastity belt here on

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stuff my hole

I had a sex dream–I was doing it with my spouse.  He was fucking me.  The dream was energetic and erotic.  But I only remember a small part.  I wanted to be fucked harshly and told my spouse, “Stuff my hole.” Usually my sex dreams are complicated, confusing, and only partly hot.  There’s a painful

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smut theory

what’s this?

“What’s this?” I asked my spouse.  He was hugging me, and his semi-hard dick was pushing on me, through his pants. “What’s this?” he asked me, gently grabbing my right breast. I giggled.  I touched his dick, and it poked out more. “It’s a boner,” my spouse said.  “It’s because I love you.  I’ve had

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banishment ritual

This is plans for a banishment ritual.  I loved some men, over the years. Devotion is a skill. I gave a lot, sometimes more than was best for me. Takes a while to learn the sweet spot. I have social differences, pertaining to autism. And I lacked healthy relationship role models as a kid and

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smut theory


“Are you ok?” I asked my spouse. He was lying in bed on his back, and his shorts were pulled down to expose his big dick sticking out erectly.  I was in bed next to him, writing. “Mm hmm,” he said, sleepy. “I see you have some swelling,” I said, patting his thigh with affection.

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wake up

“I need to wake up,” my spouse said to me.  It was morning, and he was having a slow start. “Do you know anything in particular that might help you wake up?” I asked.  I was still in bed, writing.  “Like what if you could try yodeling.  Or you could masturbate.  Or you could plunge

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