
touch my balls

“I want you to touch my balls,” my spouse said.  We were lying in bed, cuddly and happy. “Ok,” I said. “I want to touch your balls,” he said. “…Ok,” I said.  “But I don’t have any.”  He was sleepy–he was not making complete sense.  But I love him however he is. “I have ovaries!”

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smut theory


Hello, I’ve been thinking about how my vulva smells.  The smells can be informative, appealing, embarrassing, delicious. yesterday I was lying in bed in the early morning.  My vulva felt extra wet.  Why was that?  My spouse and I had not had sex the night before. Maybe I was ovulating.  My cervix had been sore

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picture of my butt

I tried to take a picture of my butt.  It was difficult!  This blurry pic is my favorite fail.  Looks like light.



“Oh hey, I think I figured out why there are so many transmen in our life,” I told my spouse.  We were on a long car ride, and my spouse was driving well. “I think it’s because transmen know how to feel,” I continued.  “Transmen know how to love.  But they’re dudeish at the same

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theory unsent letter

love is

I think love is only one thing: a gorgeous healing energy that connects us and motivates us.  It helps us know what’s important and decide what to do.  But love can take on so many forms, and I’ve been thinking about what I really want with you. options Some people who I love, I might

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“Hey, dear.  This candy reminds me of your dick,” I told my spouse.  “You wanna try one?” We were driving in the car, on a long ride.  And we’d stopped at a gas station.  I went into the mini-mart and looked through all the candy.  It was that kind of mood–I wanted to stare at

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ritual theory

hold this

“Will you hold this?” I asked my spouse. I was sitting on the bed wearing a black, lace-edged tank top, holding my right breast.  I moved toward him and let him reach into my shirt and hold my breast for me. “Ah, thank you,” I said.  “Thank you for helping me carry my burden.”  I

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