I love a good titty fuck. That feeling of my spouse’s large, gorgeous dick, pressing between my abundant breasts, sliding so joyfully. Feels like he’s fucking my heart, straight to the bottomless well of love. Feeling my spouse’s mounting pleasure with each thrust, and predicting when he will come. Then the spasming feeling of his
Month: April 2022
sex drive origin
What is your sex drive origin? Did it form from early experiences of violation? Did it form from seeing happy relationships around you in your family and neighborhood? Was it the media? Older kids who taught you what valuable is and what’s worth it, as you rode bikes or played video games in someone’s basement?
craziness and consent
This poem “craziness and consent” is mostly about disability and family pain. craziness and consent does consent count how crazy is too crazy when I’m in another mood altered state another world unshared reality my spouse tried to do it with me he takes no for an answer and never shamed me for anything
Hello, I have a struggle. It’s that I feel very wholesome. I try to be something other than wholesome, like I try to have a facial expression and body posture that’s seductive, but it doesn’t work. Yes, I can be naked, half-naked–doesn’t matter. Still I have a wholesome vibe, and sometimes I wish I didn’t.
coming on your dick
“Did you like me coming on your dick yesterday?” I asked my spouse. We were lying in bed, naked and cuddly. “Yes,” he said. “I really liked that.” “Why do you like it?” I asked. “You look so beautiful,” he said. I imagined myself below him, trying to be quiet. Nest in rapture, emoting and
content warning: fat shaming I’ve written a lot about learning to love my fat body, over the years. This is a good overview I found in my drafts folder recently and cleaned up. I hope it communicates well my life with fat and my journey of finding truth. survival I used to think fat equals
Crushes are weird, especially when they make no sense. I would prefer if my feelings made sense, and if my spouse’s feelings made sense. I was at our usual grocery store with my spouse, and we saw this guy who works there, who my spouse has mentioned before. He’s a tall, friendly, gorgeous Black man
why I like subbing
Hello, I wanted to explain more why I like subbing. This pic of a sub is so beautiful too–I’ve been wanting to use it for something. Please enjoy this listicle. pleasure of subspace Subspace can be addictive. “Please tell me I’m a good slut,” I request of my spouse. He tells me I’m a good
I realized that wanting someone sexually is my favorite way to dissociate. Dissociating is a way to take a break from reality. Mostly because of anxiety and overwhelm, I need those breaks a lot. Dissociating is one of my favorite coping strategies. I talk about it in this post about driving. how it feels This
I loved a woman who was younger than me and thin. We were friends in person, and then we didn’t see each other for a long time. But we txted, sent mail to one another, and talked on the phone. We became closer over the years. I treasured her–I met her halfway, or more than