
being vulnerable

I like being vulnerable.  It’s my favorite thing to do.  Being vulnerable to people who don’t want that is no good.  But being vulnerable with people who want that from me and will be vulnerable in response–that’s what I live for. It’s why I write, why I love, and my whole deal.  Activism, ritual, support

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rich friend

Did you ever have a rich friend who gave you money?  This happened to me.  I had a good friend who I fell in love with–she inherited a fortune out of the blue.  We had a friendship for some years.  She was brilliant, creative, beautiful–a small queer woman, fierce and challenging. We’re not friends anymore

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art theory

dream of the fisherman’s wife

This image, Dream of the Fisherman’s Wife by Hokusai, makes me think of a man I loved long ago.  Somehow I mentioned to him I like pictures of an octopus doing it with a person. Who wouldn’t think this was hot?  Am I a pervert?  Well, if so, yes.  I will be a pervert. This

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art review theory

sex graffiti

I was taking a morning walk with my spouse and saw some sex graffiti.  I felt excited because I love street art, and it’s somewhat lacking in our neighborhood. This art seemed childish.  I laughed and showed my spouse.  “Look at the scissor dick,” I said. If you’re not sure that’s a dick, there’s a

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sex dream

I had a sex dream: I was hanging out with these people in a space that was outdoors but sheltered, with furniture.  Like a messy patio–maybe an art yard at a university.  A place where cool kids might smoke cigarettes and eat their lunch, but we were older than usual students. It was nighttime.  We

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“Don’t get cum on my shirt,” I said.  “I just put it on.  Is your dick dribbling?” He was naked after we had sex, and I suspected his dick was leaking a few last drops of semen. I remember when I was a teenager, coming home from being out, checking for cum on my clothing. 

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This morning I had a headache and was hearing voices more than usual.  I was lying in bed, and I felt like I could sleep.  So I put on my cpap mask and turned onto my side, feeling cozy.  Then my mind did something I need it to stop doing.  I thought of the man

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“Will you always be my boyfriend?” “Yes,” my spouse said. “Will you always be my girlfriend?” “Yes,” my spouse said. “Will you always be my nonbinaryfriend?” “Yes,” my spouse said. “Will you always be my spouse?” “Yes,” my spouse said. “Yay!!!” I said, flailing my arms around.  “I win!” My spouse was standing beside our

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smut theory

what can get me off

Some examples of what can get me off–hmm, it’s embarrassing.  But here I am to do the good work of truth.  Vulnerability is my extra middle name. I wanted to talk more about what makes me horny, after that bingo card post.  Those things were pre-bed–this is more what can get me off when sex

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unsent letter

fuck you

Fuck you for inviting me to your bed, having a tender sexual experience with me, and rejecting me the following day. Fuck you for acting like every selfish, horny, immature boy acted toward me from the time I was age 10 to the time I was age 22.  But flying across the country on an

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