

“You wanna put your mask on and sleep some more?” I asked my spouse.  He has sleep apnea and uses a cpap mask. “But if I wore a mask, no one would recognize me,” he said. “I would, and Bunny would.  We’re who matters the most,” I said. “Ok,” my spouse said. “We recognize you

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googling my rapist

content warning: sexual assault I found out my rapist died.  Googling my rapist is something I’ve done and asked other people to do for me, periodically.  This time my good friend offered.  I asked: is he alive, town of residence, and whether he’s in jail. I think this man raped countless people.  I’m an anarchist

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collaborative handjob

“How’s your dick doing?” I asked my spouse.  We were lying in bed–he was waking up, and he seemed erect. “It’s poking out.  I think it needs some care,” he said. “Needs some tenderness and care?” I asked, cuddling him. “Yeah,” he said. “Maybe it needs a massage,” I said. “Yeah!” he said. “Maybe it

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white guys

I saw this meme and pondered it.  Yes, I have been unskillfully fingered by people who were clueless about anatomy and what feels good to me.  Yes, they were cis white guys. The men in this picture, looking abled and cis-het, wearing similar style clothes and sunglasses, youngish, insecure, maybe angry, selfish–these are people I

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smut theory

pretty naked

I felt pretty naked, yesterday morning.  Thank you to my spouse for the pic.  My shoulders are good to grab–my ass is wide and trustworthy.  My back is strong, and I’m substantial. After the pic, he took off his clothes and made love with me.  The beginning was extraordinarily cuddly and sweet, with soft kisses

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My spouse read that last post about how I was hurt by a friend who we loved.  “Do you ever see his news?” I asked. “No,” my spouse said. “Maybe would you look him up?” I asked.  “I’m just curious if he’s alive.” “Ok, I can do that.” “Would you look up my ex-husband also?”

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unsent letter


You put all your stuff in our shed and moved away.  You said you would come back in six months.  I txted you as you journeyed north, and I loved you so much; I almost asked you to turn around. When that volunteer palm tree was growing next to the house too long ignored, I

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smut theory


“That new oatmilk I bought is terrible,” my spouse said. “Why?  What’s wrong with it?” I asked.  “I had some–I thought it was fine oatmilk!” “It’s way too thick and chunky.” “Oh!  I like it!  I guess…because I’m used to swallowing thick and chunky fluids!” We laughed.  We were in the bedroom, and he was

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I love this image.  Maybe it’s supposed to be funny, a depiction of a switch: I am Buddha with upraised mudra hand to spank–I am the naked lady on his lap, ass already pink from impact, ready to receive the next blow.  BDSM as religion.  Valid! But something more, with the sacred Buddha.  The image

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smut theory


We did the breast worshiping ritual.  Wow, I was right–it was messy.  It was also amazing, and didn’t go quite as planned. The biggest surprise is how horny we got.  Something about having the objects there, reading the words at the beginning, the depth of it.  The safety of the container?  My spouse was 100%

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